Sabtu, 6 Jun 2009

...The Secret...

What secret i want to revealed?
hurm... guess what?

...actually i just want to share that i got it from my Boss... (Year 2007)
She vibrate me with her successful vibration of being Positive Thinker and always think
WE CAN DO IT... sound command to hear but it give big impact in her life... how she be the Youngest Millionaire in the age of 22?? She told me this things... I still used it.. (depends on situation..ahakss)

In what ever you do, to achive your goals you must always say it:

i use it and worth it to achive my goals.. but when be at KLMU (not a real name actually),
how i want to use it here... tell meeee???
>> didn't get a laptop.. who's fault? me???
>> late got the PTPTN... who's fault??? me also???
huh... The Secret here is not about KLMU (not a real name...)... but...

here the story begin.... (First time i watch The Secret is with My Boss... She the one who bring me in positive world.. eventhough not fully positive, but i do my best to make it... huhu...)

"The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe.. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teaching of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women.. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.. Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.. The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives... By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life... This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness... This is the secret to life..."

The Secret is a book (also film on DVD).. Writer, Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book.. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world...

I really suggest everyone to read her book or watch the secret film, so The Secret will be REVEAL......

Actually, my classmates CCNS BATCH 1&2, and Mr Salleh already see the preview during our class PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT... =)

15 cakap-cakap:

sicKo^ berkata...

yup.. you're right.. some problem is not our fault but mostly are..

: : memeng : : berkata...

ya.. haha...

Helas木村 berkata...


Secret yg baik tuk d share.... :D

: : memeng : : berkata...

sharing is caring... =)

Helas木村 berkata...

share lagi laa sekret2 ne mcm best laa

: : memeng : : berkata...

if you want to see it...
come to pv10 n i'll give it...
hak hak...

Helas木村 berkata...

Give wat?? give secret..

better u give me roti telur plus nescafe ais... if deal i go there.. now


: : memeng : : berkata...

ok DEAL... dare to come???
i'll give u roti telur+nescafe ais+ M&M coklat... ok? hehe

Helas木村 berkata...

cessssssss lambat... stgh jama aku tunggu... xda pun.. sda aku landing2 baru reply.. apa daaaa

mmng x ,mau la tuu

: : memeng : : berkata...

alar...aku open sampai next week b4 kau pindah...
jgn ar majookk... isk...

cIk pEnNa berkata...

big boss penah bg kami sume branch kat n9 nih nengok dvd the secret nih..

: : memeng : : berkata...

cIk pEnNa...
best kn?? huhu

Mr TOM berkata...

x best pun....
layan camera lg beest...
bleh zooooommmm sampai bln.. klu x pcaya nnti kite post gambar bulan yer...

Helas木村 berkata...

best lagi layan KAWASAKI KSR 110


: : memeng : : berkata...

mr Tom n helas...
best lagi layan tdooo.... zzzzzzz

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